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🙂 Free Certificate Courses Distance learning: the right to know «if the pupils have done well». 🥇

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Free Certificate Courses  : Parallel to the search for platforms (which triggered the functional inadequacy syndrome) Free Certificate Courses  where the teacher should or could find that virtual space in which to reconstruct his class, the focal node should have been addressed (but no one has paid the due and necessary attention) teaching and training. And this need has not been sufficiently and sometimes effectively verified. Free Certificate Courses

We preferred to gloss over, remain silent, Free Certificate Courses at times, avoiding answering the countless questions that came from pupils, parents and teachers and school managers, rather than confronting each other. How to deal, then, beyond and on this side, of the marginal line that separates teaching from any informative action, the evaluation in distance learning?

And if we wanted, perhaps with more dramatic reference to the condition with which learners and parents are confronted on a daily basis, with this abnormal and boundless, almost maniacal motivation of some teachers to simply assign tasks, to answer objectively to the question that, almost unambiguously, the Italian students ask themselves and reads «What did you bring me to do above the LMS if you no longer want to evaluate me?» Free Certificate Courses

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If we separate it from the context of reference and from the historical moment, we could say that whatever you do and cannot be evaluated, even if only of appreciation, is of little use and, worse still, it motivates less (it does not motivate at all, in other words). In the days of suspension of teaching, the experiences of FAD increase dramatically. After the first phase, that of the impact with the prolonged closure of the school, the dilemma arose, for learners and students, of «how» to carry out this blessed online teaching, which, it is evident that this is the case, does not one can marginalize the mere administration (sterile loading on the platform or on the electronic register bulletin board) of contents and handouts, attention, as it should be, is making the second question the protagonist. That, that is, relating to the evaluation of pupils. There is? Is it a teacher’s right? Is it a duty of the teacher? Or is it simply the most important right of pupils and, for primary and lower secondary schools, of the same parents? Free Certificate Courses

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And how should schools behave about this?

The answer is not simple and, in this and other emergency circumstances, it is not even obvious and immediately formulated. However, we feel we can build a reasoning starting from two supporting elements. Free Certificate Courses

The first supporting element of them can be deduced from the statements of the Ministry of Education itself. Free Certificate Courses Who, rightly, Free Certificate Courses  has strengthened the concept, by now we hope sufficiently rooted, according to which the evaluation is a peculiarity that belongs (and is not transferable) to the teacher, without superior constraints and, mainly, without interference (just to remind him to who, with unprecedented superficiality, sometimes even in defiance of the norm, involves parents in it, as if to please and please them). Rightly, the department heads Giovanna Boda (Head of the Department for human, financial and instrumental resources) and Marco Bruschi (Head of the Department for the education and training system) have argued that «The current legislation (Dpr 122/2009, D .lgs 62/2017), beyond the formalized moments relating to ballots and state exams, leaves the docimological dimension to the teachers, without instructing particular protocols which are more a source of tradition than legislation «, on the other hand» teachers and school managers have posed the problem of evaluating learning and checking attendance. Depending on the platforms used, there are a variety of tools available. » Referring to the note, therefore, evaluation is also present in distance learning. How could he have imagined anything other than the obvious? It will be the teacher who will set the modalities, times and object relating to the assessment of learning. Naturally, by leveraging the indications that each school provides, or already has in the PTOF, on the subject of evaluation. Leaving aside, of course, the fact that the Coronavirus emergency is an exceptionality, better the exceptionality.

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The evaluation, needless to underline it, is an essential moment of the didactic process. And this, not for the teachers, who obviously cannot avoid checking and evaluating, but for the students. Free Certificate Courses

If it is the school that must guarantee training, it cannot fail to use assessment to determine the strategies to be adopted and which allow the Free Certificate Courses.