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🙂 Eleftherotypia creates a mirror site on Wikileaks Free certificate courses 🥇 ⭐

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Free certificate courses : At you can read all the information published on Wikileaks, including the telegrams that come in the vast majority from US embassies around the world.

Following the publication of the telegrams, Wikileaks came under strong pressure from the US Government. Amazon, which hosted the Wikileaks pages, cited security issues caused by the attacks on and went «out». EveryDNS, which served the DNS, did the same, leaving the latter offline for many hours. Paypal, Visa and Mastercard were launching donations to the WL.

🤓  All this was the cause of the cyber war unleashed by the hack-tivist group Free certificate courses against the aforementioned but also the persecution of Assange, the founder of WL. ✅

Apple removed an unofficial Wikileaks application for iPhone, Free certificate courses  iPod Touch and iPad from the App Store for violating software development guidelines.

The problem was initially rectified by activating a node in Switzerland. At the same time, the Wikileaks administrators invited the online community to create mirror sites (ie nodes that act as exact copies of the main site).

This is an old technique used on the internet to channel the same information from many different angles at the same time. This ensures the uninterrupted provision of information under virtually any circumstances.

The mirror site of is automatically powered by the Wikileaks administrators. It is estimated that there are more than 2,100 Wikileaks mirror sites operating worldwide.

🤑 Secure online shopping this holiday season Free certificate courses 🔥


secure online shopping

secure online shopping

Although our online shopping from our computer or mobile phone saves time and money, especially at Christmas, no such fears of cyber fraud and card theft should keep us away. from the internet and the facilities it provides us.

Lectura de Interés:   🥇 Sales cycles Free certificate courses 🙂

Following are some basic steps we can take to secure our online shopping:

💥 Check the authenticity of the site address (URL) Free certificate courses ✨

If you follow any link you receive via email that leads you to a product for purchase, you should check to see if the URL in the email matches the address displayed if you hover your mouse cursor over that address and then at the address displayed in your Navigator. If there is a discrepancy then the chances of being on a phishing site are more than increased.

🔥  Use secure connection to the transaction server (HTTPS) Free certificate courses 😂

Before filling out a purchase form with your personal information, you should check the address bar in the browser you are using and make sure that the URL starts with HTTPS (not HTTP) and if possible the name of the company that maintains the site (eg see the green signage on our site .

Secure transactions on the dnhost site

Secure transactions on the dnhost site

This way you will find out if and to what extent you are on a secure website and you can now decide if you should make the purchase.

⌚ Use a credit card Free certificate courses ⌚

What most users are not aware of is that it is not advisable to use debit cards for our online shopping. In the event of a breach, the debit card may display details of the bank account to which it is linked. It is therefore preferable to use our credit card on secure websites.

Lectura de Interés:   🤑  WHAT IS BACKUP Free certificate courses?  🔥

Secure Account Login

You must use a different and SECURE password and a different username in each account you open to make your online purchases. Using the same information, there is a good chance that if someone gains access to even one of your accounts, they will gain access to the others. The most common weak passwords – that you should never use – are: 123456, password, 12345678, lifehack, qwerty, abc123, 111111, monkey, consumer, 12345, letmein, and trustno1.

⌚ Check the movement of your bank accounts and cards Free certificate courses ⌚

It is a good idea to check the movement of your credit cards and bank accounts regularly to be safe and to report anything strange you find in your bank.

Being vigilant in any move we make on the internet is the first and most important line of defense and the basis of cybersecurity. From there on it is the responsibility of the owner of the site from which we are going to buy, to observe high security rules and to be hosted in a safe environment.

Happy Birthday and Happy Shopping!