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⭐ Time Free certificate courses doctor for online Projects Management & Collaboration ⭐

Free certificate courses

Free certificate courses : Includes (optional ..) remote screen monitoring of employees (a little invasive, but will do the job), automatic creation of daily reports , monitoring of websites and applications used and other tools to record every possible action of a user on his computer.

If you are strict with every Euro you pay for someone to do your job as a freelancer, for example, Chronogiatros πάει is good for you!

8. Kapost

Kapost is a publication  management software , ideal for bloggers and collaborative journalists or writers. This is a virtual newsroom where users can present an idea and wait for it to be approved by an author. There are three types of users: authors, affiliates and subscribers. Authors can approve, outsource and reject the ideas of contributors.

kapost for online Projects Management & Collaboration

Kapost also has a built-in pay-per-post feature, a great feature especially when you work with a very diverse team and payments are based on everyone’s contribution.

Kapost is what makes its users more focused on their ideas, thus increasing the quality of the content. It’s like a real newsroom, where people make contributions all together.

9. Assembla

Assembla  is aimed at software development teams and  has a ticketing system where remote teams take on tasks through these requests. It’s almost like a forum where people discuss various issues, with the project manager in control of most of the project construction .

⭐ assembla for online Projects Management & Collaboration Free certificate courses ⭐

Features Subversion, Git, and Mercurial repositories for coding , managing coding and proofreading requests , message boards, project collaboration , Wiki , Group Video chat , File Sharing, and All Event stream so everyone can easily see what’s going on club.

Lectura de Interés:   🙂 Eleftherotypia creates a mirror site on Wikileaks Free certificate courses 🥇 ⭐

10. Teambox

Are your inboxes out of control? Teambox solves  this problem with smart project organization, which tells you which conversation to control, which to prioritize, etc.


⭐ teambox for online Projects Management & Collaboration Free certificate courses ⭐

Users can post (FaceBook type) status updates on progress in their project. Teambox will not push you to seek help, because it is so simple and easy to understand, almost intuitively.

And of course there are other solutions to compare and find the most suitable for you!