Subsidy of housing : One of the ways to be able to opt for the housing subsidy benefit is to comply with the requirements that the entities that provide this benefit require that the beneficiaries meet, among these are having the mortgage loans with which they can give the initial for the acquisition of housing.
Surely, you have searched among a large number of web pages that do not provide you with the information you are looking for, that is why we have arranged for you the necessary requirements so that you can apply for a home loan without having to continue wasting time.
✅ See the requirements for home loans Subsidy of housing 🙂
In order to qualify for home loans, it is important that you make the correct application for the mortgage loan which you must fill out carefully without crossing out or amendments, consign it duly signed, remember that this type of document must carry fingerprints.
🤑 Another of the fundamental requirements is that people who opt for home loans must 🤓
Subsidy of housing present the respective identification document, which must be accompanied by a copy, and you must also make a copy of the thumbs with the beneficiary’s signature.
They must deliver the income certification issued by the entity where they are working, this must be in force with a period of no more than 30 days
In the event that the beneficiary is an independent worker, he or she must have statements or account supports stating that they have tax activity
In the event that the beneficiaries are pensioners, they must deliver a certification stating the financial activity of at least the last 3 months
Learn about other information of interest regarding the requirements for home loans
o All people who wish to apply for housing loans must be between the ages of 18 to 70 years to be able to apply for housing loans
💥✨ It is essential that you bear in mind that the amount of the financing is around 20 million pesos or 6,452 USD Subsidy of housing 🔥
o To be able to access home loans, you will have to take into account that your property will be mortgaged until the credit granted is liquid.
o In case you want to include a person for the loan application, you can do so
o It is essential that the beneficiary has life insurance
o In the event that the beneficiary wishes to opt for a new home loan, its approval will maintain a period of validity of around 18 months for its approval.
o If you apply for a social housing (VIS), financing can reach approximately 80% and in the case of non-VIS, it is likely that they will not exceed 70%
When applying for VIS home loans, keep in mind that you can also opt for the subsidies granted by the government in terms of financing or reduction in interest rates.