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🙂  ICANN loosens restrictions on naming List of free online courses 🥇

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List of free online courses : The Internet domain name control group may soon decide whether to relax the naming rules and possibly start a new virtual domain name fever.

At a meeting in Paris, the board of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers will vote on the two key proposals.

🤓  The first will allow names that do not use Latin characters, that is, List of free online courses domain names that use Chinese, Arabic, or Cyrillic letters. ✅

 The other sentence will allow names to be used in almost any letter or number combination, up to 64 characters.

If ICANN approves the proposals, the world of .com and .org and domains of different countries such as .jp or .fr will be open to a much wider choice of extensions, such as .hotel or .sex.

The mere thought of this has led bloggers to anticipate frantic auctions, as almost every word in any language can be turned into domain names.

«It’s almost certain that the most popular ending, unfortunately, will most likely be dot-sex,» said Bryan Glick of Computing Magazine.

«All the words and names with a specific and popular meaning in English have already been purchased,» said Bryan Glick.

🔥  No more different logins with open List of free online courses ID! 🤑

– If you are tired of creating a new account on every site you visit

– If you avoid registering on new sites why do you have to enter your username and password again along with a bunch of other information

Lectura de Interés:   🥇  GDPR: What List of free online courses  changes in the whois of .EU & .COM domains? 🙂

– If your office or PC is full of papers and e-notes with usernames & passwords, then

OpenID can save you from dozens of different usernames and passwords . In two years it has managed to be used by 300 million users on over 10,000 websites.

💥  How does List of free online courses OpenID work? ✨ 😂

Going to a site (even website1) that gives the option to use OpenID, instead of username and password we give our OpenID.

We will then be taken to our OpenID page and licensed to website1 either once or if we trust it forever. Once this is done we will connect to website1 as usual. Obviously in the future if we have chosen to always trust website1 we will connect immediately.

OpenID is actually a uroan of the form from which you will manage the websites and your access to them when requested. In most cases it is enough to do it once for each web page you use.

OpenID gives you the right to use it on many sites from today and it will soon become almost universal.