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🥇 Serious security gap in Magento List of free online courses 🙂

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List of free online courses : A very serious security vulnerability has been detected in Magento, so if you have built your e-shop with this application you should immediately cover the vulnerability.

🤓  Serious security gap in Magento List of free online courses ✅

The security loophole allows a malicious user / bot to steal stored credit card information , with incalculable consequences (criminal, monetary and operational) for the eshop owner.

ATTENTION: Before the upgrade, GET BACKUP of your site !!!

1) Backup with Plesk backup :

2) Manual backup:

a. File Backup : Plesk>> Websites & Domains> File Manager> navigate to the «httpdocs» folder> select all files> «Add to Archive» to create a .zip file with all the httpdocs files.

b. Backup database (mysql): -> Export MySQL database into .sql file

🔥   Is your site mobile friendly List of free online courses? 🤑

As announced earlier this year , on April 21, Google began posting mobile-friendly upgrades to its algorithm.

They are now promoting more mobile friendly websites in the results made by such devices.

Now those who search from their mobile phone will find it easier to find relatively high quality results, the text of which can be read without touching the screen or focus, the spaces are correct and the page does not serve content that does not appear on the device or scrolls horizontally .

List of free online courses only affects mobile device classifications

affects search results in all languages

applies to individual websites and not to entire websites

But while this change is significant, google continues to use a variety of criteria to rank search results. The search term is still a very important criterion, so even if a page with high quality content is not mobile friendly, it could have a high ranking for the search term it is associated with.

To check if your site is mobile friendly, you can check individual pages with the  Mobile-Friendly Test  or check the status of your entire site with the  Mobile Usability report in Webmaster Tools .

Lectura de Interés:   🙂 What is a Buyer's Journey? How to create it List of free online courses? 🥇

If your site pages are not mobile friendly, there may be a significant drop in inbound traffic from Google searches.

But fear not, once your site becomes mobile friendly , google will automatically edit (scan and sort) your pages. You can speed up the process by using the Fetch as Google tool  with Submit to Index  and your pages will get the proper (mobile friendly) treatment from google.

💥 New domain endings: .dentist .rehab .degree .gives .space .band .rip .how List of free online courses ✨  

New domain extensions available for registration today: .dentist, .rehab, .degree, .gives, .space, .band, .rip, .how to find the domain you dream of!

Ideal for any dentist, orthodontist, professional association or dental supplies supplier who wants to find new patients or create an informative site on dental and aesthetic issues.

Specialized in «restoring» the  .rehab is an instantly recognizable address domain names on the internet, aimed at physiotherapists, treatment centers, rehabilitation centers alcohol and drugs, mental rehabilitation teams and for those studying or share stories of their recovery in blog and forum.

is a domain choice for vocational rehabilitation offices, colleges, vocational schools, universities, scholarship sponsors and educational groups that support students in obtaining a degree. It is also ideal for scientists who publish the results of their research as well as for athlete classification services.

Whether you want to inform people about breast cancer, raise money for a shelter or organize a meal, .gives is your place on the internet. Use it to create a website where you can accept donations or offers and attract volunteers for a purpose.

The .space extension was created for anyone who wants to share their passion with others. Whether you publish concert reviews or do-it-yourself decorating ideas, a .space domain gives you a completely personal space. It can also be used by scientists, researchers, educators, museums and writers specializing in space exploration and study, but also by outdoor and indoor architects who want to save, create or decorate spaces.

Lectura de Interés:   🔥 Layout List of free online courses ⌚

Do you play music? rock, herring, funk, pop, folk or art? All bands need visibility to find your audience. Register a  .band  domain to gain new fans, not only from your area but from all over the world and even to be discovered by a record company or a talent hunter. Share videos, post your tour dates, sell merchandise, tickets to your shows or cd / downloads with your music, or cover your band’s travel expenses.

As an acronym for «Rest in peace,» the  .rip  can serve as an online memorial to those who have passed away. It offers a new way for friends and family members to share memories and express their respect for loved ones who have passed away, to post their favorite stories, photos and videos, as well as to implement the deceased’s desire for donations instead of flowers. They can also find funeral homes, florists and related services.

One of the main reasons people use the Internet is to learn how to do or how something works. It provides a relevant namespace for this purpose and can be used by individuals, groups and businesses to provide know-how. This TLD is ideal for a variety of purposes, including explanation for repairs, construction and mechanical explanations.