List of free online courses : To ManyChat List of free online courses is one of the most popular choices chatbot and constantly develops new marketing automation .
Create a free account and link your site to the application either by following the guide of popular CMS ( WordPress, Joomla, Magento etc) or ask for the help of your technician to add it to your site.
🤓 You can then connect Facebook Chat with the Manychat Growth Tool List of free online courses. ✅
The goal is for visitors to start a conversation that will continue in the Messenger account of your site and to be informed about the operation of your business or organization during the holidays.
To do this, select Growth Tools -> New Growth Tool -> Customer Chat -> Edit and write the welcome message you choose as well as a Quick Reply if you want to send a general automated reply. Example: Welcome Message : We will be with you again in September, we wish you a Happy Summer. Quick Reply: We have noted your message and will contact you on 29/8/2020 when we return to our office. Finally, do not forget to activate the Growth Tool on your site by selecting Setup -> Install JavaScript Snippet and following the detailed instructions of the tool.
🔥 Other features of ManyChat that make List of free online courses it stand out are: 🤑
Free plan with unlimited subscribers that covers all the needs of businesses that want to start using bots and automation in their daily operations.
Excellent online video aids to learn how to operate the tool and discover its capabilities easily and quickly.
Useful bots categorized based on the industry and their use, which you can install directly on your site and take off marketing and communication with your audience.
💥 AUTOMATIC ANSWERS TO FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM List of free online courses 🔥
Your users will continue to post messages on social media during your absence. Let’s see how you can send them automated but personalized answers .
First you need to connect your facebook and instagram accounts by following the detailed instructions here . Then from the management page select Inbox -> Automated Responses -> Instant Reply -> Edit and select Messenger and Instagram as well as Sent Instantly in Timing . In the Message field write the message you want to send automatically and add items from Add Personalization to personalize the communication with your users. Example: Hello << Full name of recipient >>,
Thank you for your message and List of free online courses we inform you that we will be absent until 8/29/2020. You can contact us at the «email address». We wish you a good summer!